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Photography is History and Culture

My Reportage

The Reportage is the Tale of Our Era

I have always tried to establish a relationship of trust and respect, a kind of emotional bond between me is the person portrayed to try to break down the wall of distrust and immortalize, in a completely natural way, his qualities, his dexterity, but above all his spirit and his essence without forgetting that behind every shot there is a person, with his life, his dignity and above all his story to tell.

Behind each shot there is a person, with his life, his dignity and above all his story to tell

Never give too much confidence to the ladies photographed. In this case, Priscilla, Mrs. Ivonne’s cow, tried to kiss me with a long and tender French kiss and all in the presence of my wife Daniela who was photographing me.
Here this is the classic example of how a wedding can be ruined 🙂

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